Eminem ft.Sia《Guts Over Fear》歌詞中文翻譯

13 min readSep 30, 2022


演出者:Eminem (feat.Sia)
作詞:Emile Haynie、John Hill、Luis Resto、Marshall Mathers、Sia Furler
作曲:Emile Haynie、John Hill、Luis Resto、Marshall Mathers、Sia Furler

Feels like a close, it's coming to
恍惚來到終點 仿佛就在眼前
Fuck am I gonna do?
該死的 我又該做些什麼?
It's too late to start over
妄想一切重新來過 皆為時已晚
This is the only thing I, thing I know
這是而時唯一 我所渴求的
.Sometimes I feel like all I ever do is
有時候 我總覺得我所做的種種不過是
Find different ways to word the same, old song
來回找尋著不同的方式 複寫著同一首老歌
Ever since I came along
From the day the song called "Hi! My Name Is" dropped
打從那天有首名為 “Hi! My Name Is” 的歌發行以來
Started thinking my name was fault
'Cause anytime things went wrong
I was the one who they would blame it on
.The media made me the, uh, equivalent of a modern-day Genghis Khan
媒體可把我當作是~ 嗯~現代版本的成吉思汗 一代天驕
Tried to argue it was only entertainment, dawg
妄想狡辯這不過是種娛樂 幹嘛當真 去他的
Gangster? Nah, courageous balls
流氓叫囂?不 初生牛犊罷了
Had to change my style
They said I'm way too soft
And I sound like AZ and Nas, out came the claws
請問有從我的身上看到 AZ 或 Nas 的影子嗎?利爪隨影露銳
And the fangs been out since then
獠牙也從那時候 大肆顯擺
But up until the instant that I've went against it
但後來 我有意識地對此產生起反感念頭
.It was ingrained in me that I wouldn't amount to a shitstain I thought
蒂固於我腦子裡 我不過是個不成器的窩囊
No wonder I had to unlearn everything my brain was taught
難怪我總不得不忘掉 大腦裡曾學過的寥寥散識
Do I really belong in this game? I pondered
I just wanna play my part, should I make waves or not?
我只想扮演好自己的角色 而我又該掀起什麼大新聞來著?
So back and forth in my brain the tug of war wages on
.And I don't wanna seem ungrateful
Or disrespect the artform I was raised upon
But sometimes you gotta take a loss
但某些時刻 你總該承擔起某些損失 在所難免
And have people rub it in your face before you get made pissed off
在你徹底發飆前 也許有某些人能點出你的問題出在哪
And keep pluggin', it's your only outlet
不得不灌輸著正向情緒 這可是你僅有的宣洩港口
And your only outfit so you know they gonna talk about it
也是你唯一的形象 你該知道酸民總喜歡對你打量一番 議論不休
Better find a way to counter it quick and make it, ah
不如趕緊找個辦法 一舉讓他們閉上嘴 嗯~
.Feel like I've already said this a kabillion eighty times
How many times can I say the same thing different ways that rhyme?
老相同的東西 我到底能想出多少種押韻方式
What I really wanna say is
If there's anyone else that can relate to my story
Bet you feel the same way I felt
我明白 你絕對和我有著同樣的感受
When I was in the same place you are, when I was afraid to...
當我與你身處同一個境遇 當我感到害怕時...
.I was a...
Afraid to make a single sound
Afraid I would never find a way out, out, out
Afraid I'd never be found
I didn't wanna go another round
An angry man's power will shut you up
一個憤怒的人 擁有的力量能把你的嘴給堵上
Trip wires fill this house with tip-toe love
纏滿絆線的房子 領悟起小心翼翼的惜愛
Run out of excuses with every word
So here I am and I will not run
為此我就在這 我可不會再竄匿著
.Guts over fear
如今的無畏 能戰勝此刻的畏懼
The time is near
Guts over fear
刻下的無畏 能戰勝一切的畏懼
I shed a tear
For all the times I let you push me 'round
I let you keep me down
Now I got, guts over fear
如今我領略了 無畏能直面畏懼
Guts over fear
堅然的無畏 能直面眼前的畏懼
.Feels like a close, it's coming to
惘惚來到終點 唐佛盡在眼前
Fuck am I gonna do?
而該死的 我又該怎麼辦才好?
It's too late to start over
妄圖一切洗條重來 皆已不是時候
This is the only thing I, thing I know
這是當下僅有 我所乞求的
.I know what it was like I was there once
Single parents, hate your appearance
單親家庭 恨透自己的長相
Did you struggle to find your place in this world?
And the pain spawns all the anger on
But it wasn't until I put the pain in songs
Learned who to aim it on
That I made a spark, started to spit hard as shit
那時的我引燃了條條導火線 滔滔大肆地四處撒吐著粗言橫痰
Learned how to harness it while the reins were off
通曉了不受約束 隨心所欲的暢通快感
And there was a lot of bizarre shit, but the crazy part
雖然離奇的破事情實在不少 而當中最離譜的鳥事無非是
Was soon as I stopped saying, I gave a fuck
當我嘴裡不再掛著我「他媽的在乎」 武裝灑脫時
Haters started to appreciate my art
And it just breaks my heart to look at all the pain I've caused
恍望起我所造就的這般慘景 我發自內心地感到愧疚
But what am I gonna do when the rage is gone?
然而憤怒平息後 我又該何去何從
And the lights go out in that trailer park?
那個屬於我無需預約的拖車公園 盞盞燈火逐漸熄滅
And the window is closing and there's nowhere else that I can go with flows
原先為我攤開的窗戶也逐戶合上 我再次流離失所
And I'm frozen 'cause there's no more emotion for me to pull from
宛如凍僵了一般 臉上實在沒有任何一個情緒可以拉扯
Just a bunch of playful songs that I make for fun
只殘留了一堆 不過是為了好玩才製作的俏皮歌曲
So, to the break of dawn here I go recycling the same, old song
整夜達旦下來 我循環播著同一首老歌 就那一首
But I'd rather make "Not Afraid 2"
我寧可賣情懷搞個「Not Afraid 2.0」
Than make another motherfuckin' "We Made You", uh
也誓死不再弄出第二首「We Made You」
.Now, I don't wanna seem indulgent
如今 我唯獨不想顯得放蕩不羈
When I discuss my lows and my highs
My demise and my uprise, pray to God
那些失柱垮台 以及那些眾望崛起 哦上帝有祢真好
I just open enough eyes later on
我稍微是悟起了 睜起足夠的視野看清事實
And gave you the supplies and the tools
To hopefully use that'll make you strong
Enough to lift yourself up when you feel like I felt
每許你們經歷起我所經歷的 這會是使你們再次振作起來的助劑
.'Cause I can't explain to y'all how dang exhausted my legs felt
體諒我不曉得如何陳述起 我那該死的雙腿有多疲累
Just havin' to balance my dang self
When on eggshells, I was made to walk
初離蛋殼之際 我就被迫學會走起路來
But thank you, ma, 'cause that gave me the
但依然至您一份感謝 媽 因為您予以了我...
Strength to cause Shady-mania, so when they empty that stadium
力量 創造了大家興踴踏入的 巨星Shady-mania的浩勢舞台
At least I made it out of that house
And a found a place in this world when the day was done
在人生落幕之際 我找到了屬於自己的位置
So this is for every kid who all's they ever did
因此這是致於 每一個仍沒踏出行動的孩子們
Was dreamt of one day just getting accepted
I represent him or her, anyone similar
我代表著他與她 任何與我相似的人
You are the reason that I made this song
.And everything you're scared to say don't be afraid to say no more
當你那些害怕訴出口的言語 不再害怕說出口時
From this day forward, just let them a-holes talk
從今天起端起身子來吧 放任那些混蛋在一旁自說自去
Take it with a grain of salt and eat their fucking faces off
抽起一拳鹽巴 狠狠教他們上一堂「鹽」厲課程
The legend of the angry blonde lives on through you when I'm gone
在我退下舞台之後 Angry Blonde的憤怒會由你們來傳承下去
And to think I was a
.I was a...
Afraid to make a single sound
Afraid I would never find a way out, out, out
Afraid I'd never be found
I didn't wanna go another round
An angry man's power will shut you up
一個憤怒的人 擁有的力量能把你的嘴給堵上
Trip wires fill this house with tip-toe love
纏滿絆線的房子 習得起敝帚自珍的惜愛
Run out of excuses with every word
So here I am and I will not run
由此我會在這 我可不會再竄匿著
.Guts over fear
如今的無畏 能戰勝此刻的畏懼
The time is near
Guts over fear
刻下的無畏 能戰勝一切的畏懼
I shed a tear
For all the times I let you push me 'round
I let you keep me down
Now I got, guts over fear
而現在我領略了 無畏能直面畏懼
Guts over fear
堅定的無畏 能直面所有的畏懼

